Do blue light glasses work? I have been wanting to try these out for about 8 months now. I’m wearing them right now, as it’s 8:32p. I wore them last night for the first time.

Feeling like they are making me more tired. According to my FitBit I spent 22% of last night in “deep sleep”.

“Deep sleep helps with physical recovery and aspects of memory and learning.” – FitBit

What I found from,

When blue-light glasses can be useful, though, is at night, when blue light from screens can disrupt natural sleep patterns. Our bodies associate blue light with daytime, so being exposed to it when you’re trying to go to bed “pushes our internal clock later so that it’s harder to fall asleep and harder to wake up in the morning,” says Cathy Goldstein, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center.

In a perfect world, you’d start to avoid blue-enriched light from screens four hours before bedtime. “That is hard for a lot of people to swallow,” admits Goldstein, “so we do sometimes recommend Blue light blocking glasses at that time.” And there’s a growing body of research to back up the claim that blocking blue light before bed can help you sleep better. In one study, from 2009, volunteers who wore Blue light blocking glasses three hours before bedtime reported better sleep quality and mood than those who didn’t. A more recent study of teenage boys found similar results.

Digital eye strain can come from staring at any screen for too long. A quick exercise to relieve this pain is super simple. Look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds about every 20 minutes. Another option is to use drops to lubricate your eyes. My aunt always suggested this when eye problems arose. She worked as a nurse for an optometrist. I always appreciate family advise. 😉

I guess time will tell if the purchase was worth it. I’ll keep you up to date.

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Thank you, Beautiful People!


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