There is a product that I need you to know about. Not just need. I need you to seriously consider getting one for yourself. It is truly life-changing. Yes, I use “life-changing” a lot. (At least I’ve noticed from my inner dialogue as of the last few weeks) This product is life-changing. I know many of my readers deal with a similar disruption every single month for a good deal of their lives. Menstruation.

Well, I found this product three or four years ago. i do not remember where I learned of it from, but I am forever grateful to the Universe for bringing it in to my life. It’s called the Diva Cup. It’s wonderful!

Do you have any idea of the risk you are taking when you shove one of those cotton wads up inside your precious cavity?

  • Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is a deadly blood disorder
  • Chlorine Bleach
  • Pesticides and chemicals
  • Plastics
  • Lack of regulation

I didn’t even realize how dangerous they were until I did some research. They are also quite wasteful. I am always looking to reduce my footprint on this little blue ball. Pads and tampons are tons of cotton, rayon, and plastic, that while I completely agree more than half of the population require these things for sanitary and mental health reason, that are adding to the destruction of our environment.

Imagine having ONE product that you reuse each month, or three month, or however often your cycle occurs? I practice visualization often so this is easy to me. Can you picture how much garbage you’d be saving each day you menstruate? It adds up. Quickly.

We spoke about the environment. How about comfort and ease? Tampons can slip. You can forget it’s in there and then you ruin your favorite undies. Swimming? I’ve never been comfortable with a tampon in. Have you? How many activities do you avoid because it’s so inconvenient to wear pads and tampons? I haven’t worn a pad in years. I can not remember the last time. I even forgot how miserable it is to wear a pad until just now when I went to write about it. It’s something I didn’t realize was missing. In the best way possible. Ugh, those things are bulky and messy and who knows if it has shifted the slightest amount too far to do it’s job. My lovely lady parts need to breath. Sanitary napkins are not breathing items. They are suffocating weapons that have no place near my body…except post-partum or some other kind of medical procedure that I can’t think of right now. Maybe there are other reasons, BUT if you don’t have any of those you should MOST DEFINATELY never stuff a wad of chemicals against your most precious area.

Com’on Ladies! Break free! Silicone is the way to go. I’ve had my own issues. I went on birth control at 16 or 17. It was not for its named purpose, but for the other benefits. Here’s what happened in a very quick synopsis. I blacked out. Every time. Maybe not every, but I can’t remember getting my period and not getting sick. I used to get so sick that I couldn’t leave the floor next to the toilet. Let that sink in…IT WAS MISERABLE. Until recently I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to have children because I was fearful of coming off the pill and suffering every month. Nausea, vomitting, diarhhea, blacking out. These are miserable things on their own. Now put them together all at once in a teenager. My mom is a saint. Eventually I got to the point where I could lay down between the vomitting. Oh boy was that fun!

So now I’m laying down, half sleeping, when the urge to purge comes rushing up. Run to the toilet and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, wake up covered in either vomit or blood. Once, I fell so hard that I, when I came to there, was blood on my arm and splattered on the floor. I had hit my nose and split it open. I once woke up on the floor of the nurse’s office bathroom in the high school. No idea how long I was out for, I cracked the door because I forgot where I was. No one seemed to notice. I guess it wasn’t that long. It was very scary. So for the last 15+ years I’ve lived without fear of going through this every single month. Good news, as for not, it seems that this is no longer an issue for me. YEAH!

Point of my story, I’ve been off birth control and getting my period regularly. Like 20 days in between regularly. SO ANNOYING. Agreed. But the one thing that makes it so much easier is my Diva Cup. Like I said life-changing. The menstration cup is a silicone cup that you fold in half, put it in place, and forget about it for a while. Depending on your flow you’ll want to check on it once in a while to empty it out. I wear it overnight. I wear it while swimming. I wear it and go about my normal life without skipping a beat. Yes, it can be a bit uncomfortable if you are squeamish about touching your own fluids. But you should get over it. It is a compleely natural part of your body. It gives life. It’s pretty cool. Yes, I know what I’m referring to here. You don’t need to rinse every time. If you’re in a public restroom, just dump it out and wipe it with toilet paper. No big deal. When you do have a sink wash it and replace it. Now the one thing you might want to know before you change your life in a very spectacular way, is that since it’s not a chemically wad of plastic and cotton, there is a bit more (looking for a good way to put this and deciding to just be blunt, as I do best) blood to wipe up then you initially might realize. But we’re getting comfortable with ourselves so that no biggie. Right, Ladies?

I can’t recommend this product more highly. The Diva Cup is the brand I use personally. You can use whichever one appeals to you. There are sizes according to your size or whether you’ve have children. One more step on you Beautiful Person journey.


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