Wow, does it feel good to finally sit down and start writing again. Thank you for being patient with me while I got my shit together…Who am I kidding? I don’t have my shit together, it’s just slightly more organized but still a long way off from where I want it to be.

Let me catch you up:

I started an e-commerce business in 2017 while working full-time as an athletic trainer. Running the business in my spare time. Ecommerce is a huge space. I was primarily selling through Amazon. I wanted to do so many things but ended up getting overwhelmed and frozen into doing none of the things. I joined a bunch of different “Amazon mentor” groups on Facebook after finding and following people that I came to like and trust. 

Boy was that a trip when they changed direction. I felt like some of them weren’t having the success they made it seem like. I felt like they were trying to make all the different things work that I wanted to try also. I’ve finally realized that I need to focus on one thing at a time, make it work, then move on to the next.

What I did do:

Amazon shut down my account. While it was temporary, it was very scary as it was my only stream of income. I quickly realized that I needed to get my inventory on multiple platforms. That’s what I focused on for a while. Amazon is a huge traffic driver. Making it far more successful for price and velocity, but they are making all kinds of changes. I was finally doing really well, growing, earning some money, and then the shutdown happened. Sales tumbled. Lack of inventory was the main problem. 

The supply chain was and is still not what it was. Time to pivot.

I found online auctions, started bidding and started down a new road. E-commerce is my main income source and I have created my own merchandise as well.

Then I got myself on social media:

I’ve been creating on Instagram. I found some awesome mentors that give simple tips and motivation. While I was very timid about putting my face out there, I quickly learned that you need to connect with your audience or potential audience. The best way to do that and become someone that people know, like, and trust is to just do it. 

Now I go live, occasionally, and typically to no live audience. I am still assuming that people like seeing you in person, connecting, and living your life. My reels are more real. I procrastinated for so long because I work from home and don’t do my hair and makeup EVER really. 

But I decided that I don’t need to be polished. I am not a polished person. I hope that you will connect with me better because of it. If you’re holding back on your own potential for similar reasons, I really encourage you to dip your toes in the water. Okay, that wasn’t completely genuine.

My genuine self wants to tell you to jump in the fucking water. DO the thing you are scared to do. Take the first step. And then take the next one. Be consistent in your action. You will see massive changes when you start choosing your dreams over choosing to stay where you are.

I’m just a girl standing in front of no one asking them to love me.

~Notting Hill with a Tracie twist

While I’m not the best with movie quotes, I am a word wizard and hope you find some entertainment in my style. I’d love to connect. Leave a comment here. Come join me on Instagram: @the_beautifulperson.

Before I go:

I did leave out that I am a licensed real estate salesperson in New York, working on my license in Florida. You can join me on TikTok for all things real estate tips and humor, @the_beautifulrealtor. Yes, I’m sticking with my branding. I hope I’m doing it correctly.

Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate your time and attention.

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